Reservation Tutorial

Choose your reservation dates. Keep in mind that our past system requested your "last night," whereas this system will ask for your "check-out" date.
After you've selected your preferred dates, choose your reservation type. "Campsites" refer to RV and tent sites. "Rental unit" refers to our cabins or sleep shack.

If you select "Campsite," you will be asked for information regarding your tent or RV. If your rig is not available, please select whatever is closest.
If you select "Rental Unit," you will be directed to another page to choose between B4 (sleep shack), C8 (4-person cabin), or D5 (6-person cabin). Skip to Step 5.

Once your rig type is selected, the system will request your unit length. Please include tongue in site length.
If you do not know your rig's exact size, please estimate to the best of your knowledge.

Once you've selected length, you will be asked about number of slides on your rig. Based on a standard 3-foot slide length, the system will estimate the width of your rig; however, you can change this if a slide is shorter or longer.
If you do not know the width of your rig, please estimate to the best of your knowledge.

After you have selected "Check Availability," a number of site types will appear.
All RV sites have 30-amp availability. The 50-amp sites will be marked separately.
Basic sites do not have a sewer hookup.
Press "Select" to choose your preference.

After you have selected your preferred site type, our 2017 map will appear.
The sites are coded according to preference and availability. Green means the site meets all your needs. Yellow means the site may not be available for the dates requested or that the site doesn't have a particular hookup. Red means not available.
Press the circle to pull up a photo.

Once you select a circle, a site photo will appear.
You can choose to "Reserve the Space" by selecting the button or continue looking by choosing "Close."

After you have selected your space, the system will request standard information from you.
You must choose number of children and adults and accept our policy notice before continuing to the payment section.​
After this screen, you will be instructed to enter your payment information to complete your reservation. A charge for the first night will be processed automatically.